Tropical Fruits:Anthocephalus cadamba
Topics :: Tropical Fruits :: Anthocephalus cadamba -- ថ្កូវ
Khmer Name: ថ្កូវ
English Name: Anthocephalus cadamba
Scientific Name: Anthocephalus cadamba or A. chinensis
Chuon Nath: ឈ្មោះឈើមួយប្រភេទ ផ្លែទុំមានរសជូរបន្តិចៗ អាចបរិភោគជាអាហារបាន ។
Headley: kind of large fruit tree (Anthocephalus cadamba or A. chinensis; it has hairy yellow sour fruit; the bark and stems are used to prepare an analgesic and calmative)