Animal: Cuckoo
Topics :: Animal :: bird :: Cuckoo -- តាវៅ
Khmer Name: តាវៅ
English Name: Cuckoo
Scientific Name: Eudynamis malayana
Chuon Nath: ឈ្មោះសត្វស្លាបមួយប្រភេទមានសម្បុរខ្មៅ មាឌតូចជាងក្អែក យំឮសូរ តាវៅៗ ។
Headley: kind of black bird similar to the jay or cuckoo (Eudynamis malayana) (According to Tandart an adulterous man is often called តាវ៉ៅ, a reference to the fact that this bird often lays its eggs in others birds' nests.)