Khmer Dictionary: ត្រេតាយុគយុគប្រាក់,
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[yuk, yuʔkeaʔ-]
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era / epoch / age (esp. one through which mankind has passed); length of time, length of service (According to ancient Cambodian beliefs, mankind has gone through four យុគ (1) ក្រឹតយុគ `Golden Age' which lasted 1,728,000 years and was characterized by long life and peace. (2) ត្រេតយុគ `Silver Age' which lasted 1,296,000 years and was marked by less peace and a shorter life span. (3) ទ្វាបរយុគយុគសំរិទ្ឋិ ) `Bronze Age' which lasted 864,000 years. It was marked by less peaceful conditions than the first two ages. (4) កលិយុគយុគដែក ) `Iron Age' which is the present age; so far it has lasted 432,000 years and is marked by war, crime, and turmoil. Altogether these four ages form the Mayayuga of 4,320,000 years)
See:ត្រេតាយុគយុគប្រាក់, អាយុប្រាក់